Introducing Myself: Jovanny Fuentes

Hello there! I'm Jovanny Fuentes, a passionate Full Stack Web Developer hailing from the vibrant city of Tijuana, Baja California. With a love for technology and an insatiable curiosity, I'm always on the lookout for exciting new challenges in the digital world.

Web Development Expertise

My journey as a developer has led me to become well-versed in JavaScript and TypeScript, empowering me to create interactive and dynamic web experiences that leave a lasting impression. My fascination with 3D modeling and design has fueled my exploration of Three.js, enabling me to craft captivating visual elements that captivate users.

Backend Wizardry

When it comes to the backend, I wield the power of databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL with ease, ensuring smooth data management for robust web applications. My expertise extends to Node.js, NestJS (with TypeScript), and Django (with Python), allowing me to build scalable and efficient server-side solutions.

Server Administration and Linux Enthusiast

As a tech enthusiast, I've embraced the world of server administration, where I thrive in configuring and optimizing server environments. My passion for Linux drives me to explore its vast potential, delivering secure and reliable hosting for my web projects.

Open Source Advocacy

Sharing knowledge and contributing to the developer community is close to my heart. I take pride in creating and sharing valuable open-source resources for the web, aiming to make the development journey smoother for fellow developers worldwide.

Beyond Code: Hobbies

Away from the screen, I find solace in the harmonious tunes of my electric guitar. Music is my escape and creative outlet, allowing me to unwind and channel my emotions into soulful melodies. Moreover, the thrill of skateboarding offers me a perfect way to break free, embrace the outdoors, and clear my mind.

I'm excited to embark on new ventures, collaborate with brilliant minds, and continue my growth as a web developer, always seeking fresh challenges to conquer. Thank you for visiting my portfolio, and I hope you enjoy exploring my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.